Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Great May Robbery

The Great May Robbery

No, it's not about the May 14 elections, although the title of my piece is applicable to the upcoming polls. It's something lighter, a treat for the weary of body and spirit. Yoga? No. Think again. It is the progeny of famous forebears, comes in different shapes and peddled by both adorable and despicable characters. It will tickle your funny bones, “shock and awe” your senses with special effects, pull you out of the iciness of reality and immerse you in the warmth of fantasy, and, okay, fleece you of a few days' pay. It's also stamped with “Made In Hollywood.”

Okay, Spider-Man, Shrek, and Captain Jack Sparrow are back, and they are asking you to dump your exhausting life for a few hours and wallow in make-believe worlds. After casting your vote and crossing your fingers that your single vote will suffice in booting out the buffoons and crooks in office, enter an alternate reality where the bad guys fall really hard and the good guys always win. But if you have not that much money to burn, you can settle for, well, bootleg copies that has “special features” like stray silhouettes crossing the screen, a tilted screen, snippets of conversation from the movie audience, etc.

May is the month to be robbed. The first will transpire in the voting precincts where a drop of indelible ink curses us to years of bondage. The second will occur in movie houses where a very expensive analgesic that relieves the pain of reality for only a few hours is forcibly hawked to us. But like addicts ravenous for a quick fix, we happily gulp down the drug, forgetting that just outside the theater's doors are more robbers.

By Prospero E. Pulma Jr.

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