Monday, June 12, 2006

Pampering Criminals

A Supreme Court Justice's admission that his office erred in executing an inmate convicted for alledgedly raping a minor - his stepdaughter - has raised hackles. Not to be outdone, a senator said that he is sponsoring a bill that would compensate the convict's heirs with a cool 10 million pesos (around 200 grand in US currency) for the wrongful execution. That money can be better spent helping victims of rape and domestic violence rebuild their lives.
Jeez. The country's leaders do not only know how to run the country properly, they are also clueless on how to dispense justice equally. The guy was convicted for alledgely raping a minor, but they eered on a technicality- the favorite tool of the accused in escaping jail time. If you are busted by law enforcers, tell your lawyers to hunt for flaws in the cops' method, and you can go free to murder, peddle drugs by the tons, ravage more women and kids again, etc, etc.
And the poor cops who bungled the raid? They would be admonished for their ignorance, and I can't blame them for wishing that they pumped some lead on the dirtbag's body instead of hauling him to jail alive. This kind of justice system only emboldens the criminals and frightens their victims from suing, from demanding justice.

Misreading History

"Cuba, Mexico, Philippines. You are all the same. We (Spain) liberated you!"

-Antonio Banderas, Spanish and Hollywood Actor-

I don't know if it is true, but it an interview with Dante Basco for his upcoming movie, Take the Lead, Basco, a Filipino Hollywood actor, said that Antonio Banderas told him that Spain liberated us, Filipinos, whom they derisively called indios.
Liberated from what? We were already civilized and were pretty much free when Magellan invaded us. We had a form of government, were governed by datus and rajahs, observed a caste system, had a native "alphabet," traded with foreigners, namely the Chinese, and took baths more regularly than the filthy conquistadores.
Oh! I get it! Maybe he was referring to the manner in which Spain "liberated" our natural resources for its own consumption! Mr. Banderas certainly shares the belief of Dubya and the White House Cowboys when they invaded Iraq in the guise of "liberating" the Iraqis from that bloodthirsty pig named Saddam Hussein when all they wanted was to liberate Iraq's mind-boggling oil reserves.
The Japanese also said that they wanted to liberate us from the Americans, thus, their decision to invade us in the Second World War. Obviously, the Filipinos did not fall for the ruse and they replied with a tenacious defense of the archipelago.
As an actor, I liked Mr. Banderas as Zorro, Desperado and he had me in stitches when he lent his voice as Puss in Boots in Shrek 2. But he should read the correct history books. Then, maybe he should hang his head in shame for what Spain did to Mexico, Cuba and the Philippines.

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