Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What to do for the long weekend?

I mentioned earlier that today, 29th of December 2005, will be my last working day. I forgot to add what I will do for the long weekend ahead.
Let's see:

--My eldest brother brought home some DVDs and VCDs, so a marathon viewing is definitely in the offing. But aside from changing from corporate slave to grade-A couch potato overnight, what will I do?

Work on that story that has been gathering dust?

Engorge on food, lay back after eating, pig out again until I become bloated and resemble Babe (the piglet, not the bimbo!) with grease oozing from my skin?

Or, do nothing to replenish my energy, save it for the grueling year ahead because the next long holiday will be four or five months for Holy Week (thank God for Catholicism)?

Methinks that the last option is the most attractive for the sloth-trapped-in-a-corporate-slave's body.

By the way, I found worthy heirs of William Hung of American Idol fame, or is it notoriety? You should see those Chinese boys make a fool of themselves on the Web, spoofing the Backstreet Boys, clowning before a webcam.


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