Sunday, May 14, 2006

Thank Heavens for the Rain

It's the second week of May and summer is almost over. I am probably one of the many who wish that summer and the hot summer sun would make a premature exit and for rain to make an early entrance. My wish came true this week. After baking in the sun and being trapped in an indoor oven called an office-sans-aircon for weeks, I am glad for the sudden gust of chilly air and the ominous gray clouds.
My respect for weathermen went a notch higher when they made a correct forecast and assured the restless natives of the tropics that the stifling heat would soon be eclipsed by heavy downpours and typhoons - and if rain is here, floods won't soon be far behind.
Proof that everything comes with a price, the sudden drop in temperature - and tempers brought by the heat - was precipitated by a typhoon that ravaged the Eastern Visayas and claimed dozens of lives. I guess one cannot have the best of both worlds.


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