Sunday, December 24, 2006

What Christmas Means

What Christmas Means:

To the Destitute: More hollow dreams of warm meals, soft beds, and sturdy shelter.

To the Non-Christian: Another year of observing their Christian brethren hoarding gifts, rushing to parties, shopping madly, and of course, performing obligatory religious rites.

To the Entrepreneur: The last chance to clear the warehouse of old stock, never mind if the profit margin is tottering on the negative.

To the Social Hermit: Time to reunite with civilization, strain the vocal cords at the karaoke, and break the stiffness of the two left feet.

To the Party Animal: The perfect season to overload the social calendar.

To the Spendthrift: Another wonderful opportunity to disguise your profligate spending habits.

- Prospero E. Pulma Jr.-

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