Monday, June 25, 2007

Cybercafe Hunting by Prospero E. Pulma, Jr.

Cybercafe Hunting

Not all Internet cafes are the same. Some charge you at “tourist” rates, i.e., the rental fee is pegged close to the peso:dollar exchange rate but you can surf faster than you can blink, while others rent their PCs at basement rates but give you plenty of time for a coffee break between downloading files or opening sites. And some won’t let you access your blog, like what happened to me in the last couple of weeks. For some reason, I could not update my Blogger account because of some glitch in my “suki” café’s units where I usually post my blog. But I am not complaining because in my relatively short absence from the blogosphere, I was able to submit a short story to my favorite magazine (No, it’s not FHM. I’m not broke enough to dip into lit erotica), and got a positive response (meaning the editor did not delete it upon receipt of my e-mailed oeuvre). So, while waiting for my article to be published, I resumed hunting again for an upscale café and found this neat place where I rub elbows with students who are more cognizant of NBA 2007, WarCraft, Tantra, and Ragranok than with Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, Filipino, and, sigh, Home Economics. I guess I’m back to ranting and raving in cyberspace again until my new “suki’s” PCs develop some bugs and I move shop, literally, again.

- Prospero E. Pulma, Jr. -

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